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Readings and Platicas

Part of Arte y Corazón

Over the years Esperanza has sponsored dozens of pláticas that have taken many forms through readings, lectures, panel discussions, workshops, and community gatherings. These platicas have included visionary local, national and international writers, activists, and community organizers. With an emphasis on critical thinking, Esperanza brings together diverse voices to speak of true and complete social change and to provide concrete skills and information to support activist work.

Through our pláticas, we actively lay the groundwork for building strong multicultural, multiracial and bicultural alliances for struggling together towards a better world for all. Our guests have included Gloria Anzaldua, Emma Pérez, Cherríe Moraga, Ruth Baher, Amalia Mesa Baines, María Antonietta Berriozábal, Sharon Bridgforth, Ernesto Cardenal, Veronica Castillo, Sandra Cisneros, Laura Codina, Esperanza Rascón Cordoba, María Elena Gaitán, Deena González, Bárbara Renaud González, Luz Guerra, Jennifer Harbury, Dolores Huerta, Amy Kastely, Petra Mata, Elizabeth Martinez, Scot Nakagawa, Suzanne Pharr, Lourdes Portillo, Margaret Randall, Marlon Riggs, Cecilia Rodriguez, Loretta Ross, John Sayles, Mab Segrest, Peggy Shaw, Barbara Smith, Jesus Vega, Doña Enriqueta Contreras, Antonia Castañeda, Arturo Madrid, Lorna Dee Cervantes, Joy Harjo, Carmen Tafolla, Norma Cantú, Maylei Blackwell, Anna Nieto Gomez, Alice Bag, Jeff Biggers, Jimmie Briggs, Jose Ruebner, Sara de Turk, Rita Urquijo-Ruiz.

Upcoming Readings and Platicas Events

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Recent Readings and Platicas Events

  • The Emma Tenayuca Speaker Series with Dr. Lydia R. Otero

    The Westside Preservation Alliance, the Mexican American Civil Rights Institute and the Esperanza Peace & Justice Center welcome you to a presentation by Dr. Lydia R. Otero. Dr. Otero will […]

  • Hybrid Warfare: Nicaragua in the Crosshairs

    Join us for a plática focusing on the experience of Nicaragua’s resistance through hybrid warfare.. Hybrid warfare is used by the United States government as a method to accomplish regime […]