Todos Agua 2: A Celebration of Water through Music, Poetry and Plática
The Esperanza Peace and Justice Center proudly announces San Antonio’s Second Annual Water Festival, Todos Agua 2
March 15, March 22 & 23, and March 28 & 29
This celebration brings together music, poetry, and community dialogue to honor water—not just as a physical resource but as a sacred and vital force that sustains life. Through a diverse lineup of artistic expressions, Todos Agua 2 invites attendees to explore the deep cultural, environmental, and spiritual connections we share with water. Curated by Creative Director Azul Barrientos, Todos Agua 2 promises to ignite conversations, inspire creativity, and foster a deeper connection to our planet and its precious resources. The festival is rooted in reverence for water, acknowledges its vital role in sustaining life, confirms its spiritual significance and its profound connection to our ancestral legacy.
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Prayer Inauguration (free and open to the public): Led by Matilde Torres and Gary Pérez. This collective offering of music, reflection, and intention will honor water as a source of life and sacred energy. Featured performers include Ceiba Ili, Azul Barrientos, Julián Herreros Rivera and more.
This event will be at Brackenridge Park
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Concert ($10 per person, Click >here< to purchase tickets): An evening of music and storytelling with Azul Barrientos, a multi-talented artist who uses her music as a vehicle for cultural education and storytelling, and Julián Herreros Rivera, weaving a journey that explores the power of folk traditions and cultural resilience.
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Música & Poesia ($10 per person, click >here< to purchase tickets): An afternoon of music and poetry featuring Julián Herreros Rivera, Azul Barrientos, and State Poet Laureate of Texas 2015, Carmen Tafolla. Through words and song, we will celebrate the sacredness of water and the deep cultural ties that connect us to it.
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Vivir Cantando Plática & Singing Workshop (Space is limited. Click >here< to Reserve your place.): An invitation to explore the role of singing in our lives—not just as an art form but as a powerful vessel for emotion, connection, and intention. From lullabies to healing songs and anthems to performances, singing profoundly shapes our experiences. The plática and workshop will be conducted in Spanish, with English translation available via headphones.
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Plática sobre Agua, Vida y Resistencia (free and open to the public): A community dialogue featuring Nansi Guevara, a border artist and activist working to stop further destruction of the Boca Chica State Park; Marissa Aki’Nene Muñoz, PhD, a professor at UTSA who works alongside community members to discuss, listen and make connections between the land, river and the indigenous communities; Annalisa Peace, director of the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance speaking to the water struggles in San Antonio and the Hill Country; and Vanessa Quezada, who will connect local water issues to the struggles throughout the Americas, as well as reconnect us to the healing power of water.
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