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Save Our Buildings

Consider donating to our Save Our Building Restoration Campaign

The Esperanza believes in creating spaces that people can call home whether for a moment or for a lifetime. But just as regular homes require maintenance in order to keep the roof from leaking or the wall from crumbling so do the various buildings the Esperanza uses. The responsibility of caring for our facilities is twofold, because all of our buildings are also treasured historic structures requiring careful maintenance. Furthermore, Esperanza is beginning to explore our role as a repository for historic photos, video footage, oral history interviews, and cultural artifacts. As our collection of digital and material resources grows into a small-scale community archive, we must also prepare financially for stewardship of these community treasures.


We hope to start raising funds to be used exclusively in the restoration and repair of our buildings. You can donate financially TODAY or schedule an in-kind service appointment to help us keep our doors open and well maintained.